
The project has been developed thanks to a firm cooperation between the high Adriatic salt pans. Cervia and Comacchio in the “Parco Regionale del Delta del Po” “E-R” and Sicciole, in the homonymous Natural park in the town of Piran and the Strunjan Park in Slovenia. The aim of the project is to valorize the salt civilization from a historical, cultural, environmental and touristic point of view, trough the creation of guidelines for the promotion of a sustainable tourism development.

Leading body name

Parco del Delta del Po - Delta Po Park


Comune di Cervia (IT)

Salina di Sicciole (SI)

Strunjan Park (SI)

GAL Delta 2000 (IT)


Novembre 2011 – Luglio 2014

Candidate year



Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020

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