The project includes the creation of bicycle paths and connections by networking areas of great prestige and cultural interest, such as the Cervia Saltworks and the historic center of Cervia. In fact, the planned interventions are aimed at fostering accessibility to the most prestigious places in a sustainable way, by creating several kilometers of bicycle and pedestrian stretches that connect, hinge, as well as develop the Adriatic Cycleway.

The planned section, represents an important "hinge" of direct connection between the naturalistic and historical areas, with the overcoming of the long-standing problem of crossing the SS16 in a direct, easier, safer, and above all sustainable way. In fact, the route connects the bicycle-pedestrian underpass located in Via Bova, with the bicycle-pedestrian underpass in Via Martiri Fantini (passing through Via Galilei), which then branches off toward the city at Ponte San Giorgio, both to the right and left of the canal port, allowing for the salt marsh-center-coastal bicycle-pedestrian flow.

Main activities

The general objective of the project is to improve the intermodal connections in the area, contributing to the development of slow tourism, improving the use, accessibility and attractiveness in a sustainable way of the Cervia area, taking special care to network the ecosystems, the landscape, and the historical-cultural elements that are the identity of the area, so as to develop an integrated, sustainable and diversified tourist offer.

Specific objectives:

- to increase opportunities for sustainable enjoyment of the cultural and natural heritage for tourists and citizens in synergy with the other tourist attractions present, through a strategic "hinge" intervention, i.e., networking the protected environmental compartment of the salt marshes-historical center;

- raise the quality standards of the newly developed routes and that enhance organized mobility by foot, bicycle, boat, as well as through the introduction of recognition elements and the elimination of deteriorating or obsolete elements;

- increase ecological environmental quality through interventions aimed at increasing biodiversity and ecological networks.

Candidate year

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