
"A resilience information platform for Adriatic cities and towns", is funded by InterregItaly - Coratia, and aims to foster the resilience of the Adriatic regions, through the development of the knowledge bases necessary to identify possible adaptation actions to climate change, allowing local authorities to respond and implement actions to raise resilience in urban and coastal contexts.
Raising resilience levels and preparing cities for climate change is increasingly important for the local Adriatic communities, as the environmental quality and vitality of marine ecosystems is essential for the social and economic well-being of the population. However, they are increasingly at risk due to climate change and extreme events that occur more and more frequently. Therefore it is important and necessary to implement actions to combat flooding phenomena, coastal erosion, subsidence, etc. to protect populations, the environment and infrastructure.

Main activities

In addition to the management and coordination, promotion and communication activities, the project includes the following work packages:
Climate change monitoring:
- co-definition of climate change indicators with the involvement of stakeholders and local authorities
- collection and systemization of climate data and indicators for future possible scenarios, as a preliminary step to define possible counter-actions to be implemented
- detailed quantification of climate change signals in the regions involved, with particular emphasis on extreme events
Tools and strategies for climate resilience in the Adriatic regions:
- assesment of the needs of the local authorities participating in the project, screening of existing tools and best practices;
- Adaptation of the PAP / RAC guidelines (Priority Actions Program Regional Activity Centers) published in 2015 for adaptation to climate change along the Mediterranean coasts. These GLs will be adapted to the Adriatic basin
- creation of a "catalog" of adaptation measures to climate change aimed at public administrations
- creation of a "catalog" of climate change mitigation policies
- creation of a platform containing all the information collected and the outputs produced, as a guiding tool for the development of policies to mitigate the effects of climate change
Test of the integrated tools for raising the resilience of the Adriatic regions:
- Vulnerability analysis of the pilot areas of the project in order to measure the level of "sensitivity" and exposure to the effects of climate change
- testing of the tools developed and training for use
- definition of climate change adaptation plans for each pilot area - definition of strategic guidelines for Adriatic cities as a summary document of the entire process developed within the project, which places knowledge, policies, tools and methodologies developed for the purpose of transferability of project results

Leading body name

CCMC - Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici


Metereological and Hydrological Service - HR
Università IUAV di Venezia - IT
Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre - HR
Comune di Cervia - IT
Unione dei Comuni Valle del Savio - IT
Agenzia regionale Prevenzione Ambiente Energia dell’Emilia-Romagna - IT
Comune di Udine - IT
Society for Sustainable Development Design – HR
Sibenik-Knin County – HR
Comune di Vodice - HR


24 Mesi

Project budget

€ 2. 223.870,00

Candidate year



Cross-border cooperation Programme Interreg Italy-Croatia
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