INFIORE - Città fiorite dell'Adriatico

The general aim of the Community Initiative Adriatic New Neighbourhood Programme INTERREG/CARDS-PHARE, is to promote social-economic development and cooperation among the countries of the Adriatic Area and moreover to function as a instrument which more than any other can contribute to the formation of a great Adriatic region and community.

Presented by the Cervia Municipal Administration and co-financed in the context of the above Programme, the INFIORE project is an 18 month action on the theme of positive exploitation of public green areas. Nine institutions have accepted the invitation to participate and join the network to develop shared actions for positive exploitation of public green areas: a fundamental element for urban quality, sustainable development and integrated tourism promotion of the cities in the Adriatic region.

The pilot projects carried out in the partner countries are the tangible results (a park, a public garden, a high-quality flowerbed) of cross-border cooperation.

The nature of the project, based on the cooperation among public authorities from different countries, contributed to improve the perception of European identity and international cooperation.

In order to attain this objective, we promoted professional training courses and common experiences for the experts from the partner cities to create a “network of experts of public green areas” working in the field of sustainable tourism and urban quality. 

Leading body name

Comune di Cervia


Provincia di Ravenna
Comune di Brindisi
Comune di Pola (Croazia)
Comune di Dubrovnik (Croazia)
Comune di Tuzla (Bosnia-Erzegovina)
Comune di Pancevo (Serbia)
Comune di Scrutari (Albania)
Comune di Elbasan (Albania)


Dal 1 novembre al 2006 al 31 luglio 2008 con estensione a fine luglio 2010

Project budget

€ 502.463,86 (2007-2010)

Candidate year



Adriatic New Neighbourhood Programme INTERREG/CARDS-PHARE

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