Arca Adriatica

The municipality of Cervia is a Project Partner (PP) of the project Interreg ARCA ADRIATICA.

The project ARCA ADRIATICA is funded under the European Territorial Cooperation program Italy Croatia 2014-2020 in the priority axis “Environment and cultural Heritage”, specific target 3.1 “Transforming the cultural and environmental heritage in a lever for sustainable and balanced  development of territories”.

The Arca Adriatica project has as its priority objective protection, promotion and tourist enhancement of the Adricatica Maritime Heritage. Divided into five work packages, the project is developed along three lines of actions.

Firstly, the development of cultural tourist destination by defining a strategic and a common action plan for the Adriatic area and encouraging the encouraging the emergence of centers of excellence and training on crafts related to the sea.

Secondly, the structuring of the tourist offer, stimulating the birth of “maritime museums”, the recovery of historical boats and the introduction of technologies for digital storytelling.
Thirdly, speeches will be the subject of a joint promotional campaign including educational tours for the press and operators.

The project is carried out by a partnership with 10 partners, has a duration of 30 month and a total budget of 3.168.790,00 €. The budget of the Municipality of Cervia is 325.855,00.

Main activities

Work Packages

WP1 management and coordination: financial management, reporting, activity reporting, coordination of common and local activities, internal comunication within the partnership, coordination meetings.

WP2 promotion and comunication: project launch and closure conferences, production of promotional material, social media, press conferences, etc.

WP3 development of cultural tourist destination:

  • definition of a strategy for the development of the common tourist destination based on the cultural offer linked to the sea and small ports;
  • definition of local action plans for the recovery and promotion of the cultural heritage related to the sea as a common tourist offer of the Adriatic sea;
  • creation of “Centers of Excellence”; in all partner territories, such as forums/platforms of experts, institutions and stakeholders, aimed at developing a network of tourism products based on the cultural heritage linked to the sea;
  • “Academy of old crafts and skills”: recovery and promotion of traditions related to the sea (craft, gastronomy, production, etc…) through the organization of education/ workshop/ lecture moments for schools and tourists to be held both on the basis of special programs and within events;

WP4 structuring of the tourist offer:

  • Creation of spaces for the presentation of the cultural heritage related to the sea, both indoors, for example in already structured museums of the sea, and outdoors, through the enhancement of symbolic elements of small ports, as in the case of Cervia;
  • Recovery of the cultural heritage linked to the sea, both material and immaterial, through research, cataloguing, audio/video recording, etc. In order to make it available to the public through ICT technologies rather than in exhibition spaces. In addition, 2 “storytelling” will be realized concerning all the partner areas
    Recovery and renovation of traditional boats;
  • Definition of a common visual identity among partners to be applied to the signage necessary to signal/value routes and symbolic elements;
  • Definition of a “digital information plan” that encourages and accompanies tourists in the enjoyment of both the cultural heritage contained within museums, but also the outdoor heritage and the routes of use with reference to the ecomuseums (as in the case of Cervia), with attention to the connections and the possibilities of movement on site (wayfinding, interactive maps, etc);

WP5 promotional campaign of the common tourist product:

  • Preparation of a marketing plan and “promotion centres”;
  • Development and promotion of common cross-border tourist routes and related promotional campaign which will include specific visit tours for T. O. and journalists;

Leading body name

Primorje-Gorski Country


  • Comune di Malinska-Dubašnica - HR
  • Kvarner County Tourist Board - HR
  • Association and Eco museum “House of Batana” - HR
  • Comune di Cervia - IT
  • Comune di Cesenatico - IT
  • International centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies-Mediterranean agronomic institute of Bari - IT
  • Comune di San Benedetto del Tronto - IT
  • Università di Venezia Cà Foscari - IT
  • Comune di Tkon - HR


30 mesi

Project budget


Candidate year



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